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"Google’s play in the generative AI cybersecurity race comes just after Microsoft’s March release of competitor Security Copilot.

Jeffrey Sims, Principal Security Engineer, HYAS had this to say:

   “Google has also been a large contributor to the open source LLM space with their fine-tuned model series called Flan (Fine-tuned LAnguage Net). These models range in parameter size (capability) and allow for commercial applications. . . " ( Read More . . . )


average intrusion remains undetected in enterprise networks for 99 days

average intrusion remains undetected in enterprise networks for 99 days

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HYAS brings security threat detection, response to production networks

HYAS brings security threat detection, response to production networks

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Why Monitoring Flow Data Means You’re Only Seeing Half the Picture

Why Monitoring Flow Data Means You’re Only Seeing Half the Picture

Solutions Review
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