Why DNS Security Can Be Your Most Problematic Blind Spot


  • Organizations often overlook DNS protection because DNS tends to”just work.” But without understanding how DNS operates, businesses are defenseless against threat actors who know how to exploit it for private gain.
  • A reactive approach to cybersecurity no longer flies in today’s threat landscape. To mobilize against threats, we must understand how DNS works and put protective measures in place accordingly.
  • Even when faced with segmentation and visibility challenges, cybersecurity professionals can stop malicious communications that exploit the flexibility and anonymity of DNS.

The domain name system (DNS) is like electricity: Not everyone knows how it works — or perhaps they have forgotten what they learned in science class at school — but they know that it works. That’s not a problem, if it continues to work. Right?

Wrong: Cyber threat actors take advantage of organizational ignorance about DNS to infiltrate organizations with malware, ransomware, and via phishing campaigns. In fact, it is their primary mode of communication and a fundamental part of cyber attacks.

Most of the time, this complacency isn’t intentional: Sometimes, staffing issues and capital allocation trade-offs create risks that can feel unavoidable. Nonetheless, large corporations, critical infrastructure, and even the federal government have all been victims of cyber attacks utilizing DNS as a vehicle. And because cyber criminals tend to have unlimited capital and cooperation, these attacks won’t be stopping anytime soon.

Gone are the days when companies could rely on antivirus software and a firewall to adequately protect themselves. Threat actors have never stopped weaponizing reconnaissance and changing techniques based on how defenders respond; they’ve simply jacked up their efforts. We need a bold, pioneering approach to cybersecurity — relying on deceptively simple, tried-and-true foundational knowledge about how systems and networks operate.

Armed with knowledge of DNS, businesses should have the impetus to implement modern, effective cybersecurity solutions to stop bad actors in their tracks —preventing breaches before they can have any significant ramifications on the company.

Snoozing on security

Organizational inertia is nothing new for big companies, but the stakes have never been higher than they are today. With each major cybersecurity incident, there is a flurry of activity and talk about change before momentum is lost and every cybersecurity team goes back to what they were doing. This isn’t good enough.

For all the talk about proactivity, cybersecurity is fundamentally still reactive.

Complacency and inertia increasingly plague enterprises the larger they get, almost all currently deployed security suites, products, and services are missing foundational protection. There are various reasons for this, of course. For one, it’s difficult to turn a large ship quickly, with security stacks averaging dozens of tools at a time, lack of resources, time, budget – you name it.

HYAS Protective DNS enforces security and blocks command and control (C2) communication used by malware, ransomware, phishing, and supply chain attacks. Learn more with our comprehensive eBook Protective DNS: The Cybersecurity Essential You Didn't Know You Needed

Proactivity = visibility

It doesn’t have to be like this. A more proactive approach to cybersecurity is actually very simple: It’s about having more visibility into what the systems that “just work” are really doing. This visibility is the foundation that most security solutions currently lack.

The questions that probe visibility are even simpler: What are your systems talking to, and should they be talking to it?

Not only is this visibility important for protecting the employees and the enterprise, it’s also critical to observe your revenue generating infrastructure. Web servers, file storage, databases, and data pipelines all have specific roles and functions in a production network. Systems administrators will want to know that the databases talked to a set of expected resources. If they talk to an unexpected resource, this doesn’t necessarily signal malicious activity, but it’s still important to understand why this communication was happening.

Even if new software was installed or a new library came from GitHub, the key is that operators know what’s going on and why. Effective security is a side-effect of complete visibility — or as near to it as possible.

Solution-slowing silos and segmentation

Even the most vigilant operators may be able to see around the corner, but what about a never-ending string of next corners?

For cybersecurity professionals, network segmentation and security product silos are a bugbear of any large-scale enterprise. While some of these products and neworks only work within corporate environments, others only work in production environments and none work together well or at all.

A symptom of this is that disuniformity spreads across security stacks when the very thing that’s needed is more uniformity. EDR, NDR and log analysis all lack a painless coalescing element that would drive them to work better together.

This is where DNS comes in. Every system on the internet relies on DNS, even for single transactions. Closing this gap is HYAS’ mission.

Some may think that the security environment is too complex to obtain full visibility. But DNS relies on the same principles and technology as when it first came into existence: It tells you exactly what your system (or machine) is trying to talk to and where it’s located — without challenges like pcap or large syslog collection. You get visibility into what systems are doing — and why — without an accompanying big data problem from expensive toolsets.

The answer to substandard defenses

Burnout is just as real a problem for cybersecurity professionals as the threats they’re paid to protect against. It’s all too easy to throw your hands up in defeat after months or even years of nonstop firefighting –if everything is an emergency, there’s no progress.

But if you can stave off fatigue and reduce the volume of alerts by preventing the problem in the first place, you can target threats far more effectively. Security vendors have tried to reduce the noise and provide actionable steps for operators to take since the dawn of cybersecurity. The missing piece of the puzzle is understanding DNS and what systems should (and should not) be doing. Nearly every single system relies on DNS to function and the right DNS protection provides real-time insight and protection from threats.

The question businesses need to ask is how to tie investments together by building the right foundation for proper security, how to better understand DNS, and how to leverage that knowledge to their advantage.

This blog post is based on an Techstrong interview with HYAS CTO, Dave Mitchell..

Learn more about DNS

Demystifying the confusion around DNS security

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